Saturday, 21 December 2019

Blogmania Redux - 1/5/2006

Thursday, January 5, 2006
Blogmania Redux
Well, this is starting out to be a very interesting year.

First, a Westside activist I mention on my "Just Wondering..." page dropped me a note to deny, emphatically, that he is a "right winger". Seems my comment about his blog touched a nerve. I wrote back to him to remind him that I didn't say he was necessarily a right wing-leaning guy - just that his blog was tilted that way. I used as an example a recent posting on his blog by an activist in town who referred the blog author to the American Patrol web site for guidance. That particular site is a repository of many far right leaning philosophies. In fact, a man who very much resembles our old pal, Your Neighbor, used to write a guest column for that site. I haven't seen his byline there lately, so I assume either they got sick of him (understandable) or he priced himself out of the market (also understandable, since he seems to have a very inflated view of the value of his rants).

The blog author went on to advise me that "I fully believe that any illegal immigrant caught should either be punished or immediately deported." I wrote back to him, wondering what he felt would be the appropriate punishment instead of deportation. I asked him if he thought flogging, for example, would be sufficient. I also wondered if a jail term would suffice - six months, perhaps. Would he then recommend the issuance of a work permit so the offender could make a living? I think what my correspondent meant to write was, "I fully believe that any illegal immigrant caught should be punished and deported.", but I'm not sure. I certainly wouldn't want to put words in his mouth.

The blog author went on to advise me that I've got it wrong about "Americans" not wanting to pick produce or prepare food. He suggested I "Go back East", where I would find many "Americans" doing that job. Well, I've been all over this country and have relatives with family farms in the midwest. A long time ago - a time to which the blog author apparently wishes to return - that may have been true. However, if you drive through almost any agricultural region of this country today you will find most of the crops being tended to by folks with brown skins and Spanish surnames.

Similarly, much of the food preparation in restaurants is done by folks of Latino heritage. These are jobs most Americans are not willing to perform. The blog author, in his correspondence to me, blames it on the fact that "Big business wants illegal immigrants to work so they can exploit them and make money off their hard labor." He suggested that Americans would do the work if "you pay the right wage". I asked what his perception of the "right wage" would be. Is it double what immigrants earn? How about triple or quadruple? If so, I wondered whether he would be willing to pay triple or quadruple the cost of the produce or the burger he orders at the local fast food restaurant.

I explained to the blog author that I, too, am against illegal immigration, but that the responsibility for enforcement of the immigration laws of this country belongs to the federal government, not our local law enforcement agencies. By shoving that responsibility on down the food chain to local law enforcement the opportunity for misuse of that power is much too great. Our young jailer/mayor denies that any "immigration sweeps" would be conducted, but the effect would be the same.

I thanked the blog author for his correspondence and his attempt to set me straight. I invited him to continue to read this blog and to continue to write to me when he felt like it. I hope he learned something from our exchange of opinion - I know I sure did.

Today I visited his blog again and found his most recent posting to be a perfect example of just why our young jailer/mayor's plan is such a bad idea. In his posting, the blog author attempts to provide an account of the events at the Costa Mesa City Council meeting Tuesday night and laments the number of illegal aliens in our midst because they "overload our sanitation and school systems" and drive old cars which pollute our air and oceans. He did acknowledge "that there are many legitimate citizens polluting with old cars too...". I found myself wondering about those illegitimate citizens driving around in rattle-traps - is he concerned about those folks, too? He ended his posting with this comment: "It is time for the police to identify those that are here illegally and report them to ICE." That sounds to me like the immigration sweeps our young jailer/mayor denies will take place.

Then, further adding spice to our new year, that activist who very much resembles my theoretical character, Your Neighbor, launched his own blog. Actually, he just created a blog out of his "little newsletter". So, now none of us have to beg for a subscription. We can visit his blog any old time we choose, although I don't recommend it on an empty stomach. I guess this guy is running out of venues that will publish his rants. As witnessed by a quick read of his postings so far, he's managed to alienate the publisher of the Daily Pilot, a newspaper which has shown remarkable tolerance over the years when they printed many of his fantasies. He also alienated "his guys" on the Costa Mesa City Council, too. In a fit of pique because they didn't go along with his suggestion Tuesday night regarding the inappropriateness of a proposed car wash/gas station in town, he's decided to tag them with derogatory names - much like you and I may have done back in elementary school when teasing school mates. It just proves that being a Mensa member may imply that you are intelligent, but doesn't necessarily mean that you're smart.

So, blogmania continues in our little slice of heaven. Each of us who create these forums have the opportunity - unfettered - to provide information and opinions to you, to do with what you will. It's up to you to decide whether they are worthy of further consideration.

As always, I look forward to your comments if you feel so moved. As always, I'm the sole arbiter of what appears here, so watch your language. As always, I'm grateful that you took the time to visit this site and hope you will return often.
5:10 pm pst

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