Saturday, 21 December 2019

"Your Neighbor" - Part 2 - 9/22/2005

Thursday, September 22, 2005
"Your Neighbor" - Part 2
The pot continues to swirl... A person who very much resembles my theoretical character, "Your Neighbor", stood before our City Council two weeks ago and complained about the attention he's been getting lately. This, from a man who apparently has never seen a microphone he didn't love or podium he wouldn't embrace. He told the council that some miscreant sent him a death threat - certainly not a good thing, if true. Heck, it's not a good thing even if he's making it up. There is no circumstance that justifies such a threat. He told the council that this bad person left some DNA in the envelope, which he turned over to authorities. I'm sure that was a wise move and I expect the authorities will get to the bottom of this issue and give this poor, distraught man some peace of mind.

This "Your Neighbor" look-alike also complained about "some guy in town" who has "a web site out here or something" which has him concerned. He told the council that this person was part of the "lunatic fringe" which is trying to keep our city from being a better place. He says it looks like this guy "may be inciting to violence", even though he described the web site as "laughable and absurd". He went on to say that "This kind of bigotry and hatred in a city that bills itself as the City of the Arts shouldn't exist." - an amusingly curious observation for this particular person to make. I hope he remembers those words when he looks at himself in the mirror each morning and evening, or when he sits down at his computer to prepare his next hate-filled internet essay for one of the far right-wing web sites to which he regularly contributes. He's right, of course... bigotry and hatred have no place in this city or any other. So, as he types his term "Tan Everyman" - which he uses to decry what he perceives to be the homogenization of our species through interracial breeding - I hope he will remember that fact. When he berates the Bush family for Florida Governor Jeb Bush's - in his words - "mestisto" children, I hope he remembers that fact. When he adorns another of his internet essays with the swastika, I hope he remembers that fact.

So, on the off chance this pathetic man might be referring to my humble web log, let's set the record straight. The only reference to any kind of a violent act I've ever made on this site, or in other writings in the local newspapers, referred to my preference of treatment for the 9/11/01 bombers and those who planned the attack - drawing and quartering. If he chooses to lump himself with those despicable terrorists, that's his choice. Personally, I'm quite content to see him squirm and whine now that the light of day has fallen upon him.

I found it extremely interesting that this man did not, in his internet newsletter nor his recent rant before the city council, deny any reference made to a person who resembles him in this web log. He did not deny the series of activities attributed to "Your Neighbor". Instead, he chose to attempt to deflect attention from him by a counter attack. In his tirade before the council he accused the writer mentioned above (maybe me?) of making veiled threats against him - "terrorist threats", to use his words. Be assured that I mean this fellow no physical or mental harm, although I think he can probably use some help in the mental health area. There were no threats, veiled or otherwise, directed at him or anyone resembling him.

At the most recent city council meeting this man stood at the podium and complained about the decline of his neighborhood and berated the council for not doing enough to stop it. He complained that many of his neighbors had moved out. Gosh, I wonder why? Would you want to live next door to a man who has chosen the promotion of intolerance as an avocation?

In a recent online essay this man states the following: "In my book, it's never wrong or hateful to tell the truth. The truth is simply the truth. It is something that has no hate or love or any other emotion attached to it. It is a fact. Period."

I couldn't agree more. So, as he continues on his chosen path toward the expulsion of non-whites from our community, regardless of which smoke screen he uses, those activities will continue to be the subject of scrutiny. As he continues to write hate-filled essays for the far right wing internet sites, those essays will continue to be read and renounced. As he continues to manipulate certain members of our city council, those activities will continue to be the subject of commentary. As he said, "The truth is simply the truth."

In the meantime, this poor man is obviously very unhappy here in Costa Mesa. He complains about gangs, graffiti, wayward shopping carts, noisy produce vendors, "incompetent" police, inappropriate soccer playing, too many charities, too many illegal aliens, out-of-town industrialists occupying prime real estate on the Westside, the Orange Coast College Swap Meet - and on, and on, and on. He berates the local politicians, even though he hand-picked a couple of them. He apparently is quite distraught about living here, in a community with a diverse ethnic makeup. He's upset that in his neighborhood there are homes with, in his words, more than thirty people living in them. However, he does have options.

My suggestion to him is, for his own peace of mind, to consider doing what his neighbors apparently have done - look for greener (or, in his case, whiter) pastures. Somewhere in a Scandinavian country seems about right to me. I'll be happy to hold the door for him as he leaves.
9:26 am pdt

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