Friday, 20 December 2019

Centipedes, Other Rock Dwellers and Heroes - 5/29/2006

Monday, May 29, 2006
Centipedes, Other Rock Dwellers and Heroes
Unbelievable! Just when you start thinking that our young jailer/mayor can't possibly make a any more knuckleheaded moves as we head into the campaign season he finds another way to shoot himself in the foot. At this pace, by the time the election rolls around in November he's going to look like a centipede with a hotfoot.

This time he and his anointed running mate, Wendy Leece, have proposed a plan to rip up part of the city-owned Costa Mesa Country Club - including part of one of the golf courses - to install more playing fields for the youth of this city.

With no exception, each person who addressed this issue with me has used one word - "STUPID"! That pretty well sums it up. Not only will this rankle golfers in this city, it will likely really upset senior golfers in particular. Those folks vote in large numbers and tend not to suffer fools - too bad for the mayor.

This scheme is apparently a result of broad-based criticism of their reluctance to consider lighting two more fields at the Farm Sports Complex. In that situation they've chosen to be swayed by the complaints of a couple of residents instead of doing the right thing for the broader community. Again, their tendency to view issues with a very narrow focus is obvious. Their unwillingness to listen to stakeholders on most issues once they've made up their minds is very frustrating and will certainly be a point to consider in November.

I continue to wonder if our young jailer/mayor and his cronies, including Leece, ever think beyond the end of their noses. It's as though they sit back and try to decide which group in the city to offend next. So far, they've managed to upset the entire Latino population, soccer parents and now the golfers. At this rate, the only votes they can count on in November will be their little knot of angry supporters from the Westside and the few people who actually think Mansoor's immigration screening scheme can succeed - all six of them.


Speaking of which, a local activist who very much resembles my theoretical character "Your Neighbor" has re-emerged from beneath his rock after a ten day absence to publish another rant on his web log. I assumed he must have been submerged in his bile pot, licking his wounds after resigning from an influential city committee and pounding out more intolerant essays. Now he's back, taking potshots at potential council candidates who may challenge our young jailer/mayor and his anointed running mate in November. He promises to let us know his picks for the election soon - I can hardly wait!


Finally, on this Memorial Day holiday weekend, I find myself feeling especially grateful for the efforts of the men and women who have volunteered to defend this country. As they serve in dangerous places around the world I hold them in my heart with wishes for their safety and a rapid return to their loved ones.

During our recent vacation my wife and I visited Mt. Soledad in the La Jolla area. The peak of this hill is capped by a huge cross and an adjacent American flag. It is the site of a memorial to service men and women, where laser-cut plaques have been placed in honor of individuals and units that served this country during wartime. Our visit was a very moving and inspirational experience.

I find myself wondering how our service men and women feel about the current turmoil over illegal immigration in this country, and particularly in Costa Mesa. My thoughts turn to Marine Jose Garibay, the young Costa Mesa immigrant who was the first Orange County resident to fall in the Iraq. He was a young man who was willing to lay his life on the line to protect his adopted country, hoped to become a citizen and have a career in law enforcement. Bravery and patriotism are not reserved for the blond, blue-eyed surfer dudes. Young men and women of other ethnic backgrounds also choose to fight for our way of life. Someone should sit down with our young jailer/mayor and explain this fact of life as he moves forward with his plan to sweep Latinos from our city.

10:52 am pdt

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