Sunday, January 1, 2006
New Year, Old Opponents, Kooks and Games
Happy New Year to you all. I'm glad you took my suggestion
and decided to visit this web log again.
First, let me encourage you to slide over to the left and click on my "Just Wondering..." link. You will find a new batch of questions to ponder this first month of 2006. I will probably leave that page intact for the month of January for your contemplation.
The battle of blather continues between your humble correspondent and a local activist who resembles my theoretical character, Your Neighbor. In his "little newsletter" this activist continues to attempt to refute comments found throughout this blog - unsuccessfully. His most recent smoke screen was a letter published in The Current, the weekly supplement of the Orange County Register that is distributed in Costa Mesa and Newport Beach. The poor man has the word "denial" confused with truth. As I've said before, denial is not truth - it is only denial. I suppose he and I will continue to joust into this new year.
Every time I write about Your Neighbor I feel like I need a shower, so let me squirt a little air freshener after those comments and set the record straight on one issue that keeps popping up. There are those who have accused me of being pro-illegal immigration. That, of course, is not true. I feel strongly that our porous borders need to be secured for many reasons. This is especially essential with the probability of terrorist infiltration. Protection of our borders and our national security is the responsibility of the federal government. I'm offended when ambitious young local politicians try to use this issue for personal political gain. However, facts are facts. Analysts of this issue who are far smarter than I am have said repeatedly that our economy would halt if immigrant labor - legal and illegal - were to disappear. Just look around you and think about it just a little bit and you'll likely agree.
Some folks spout borderline racist rhetoric, accusing "illegals" from stealing jobs from "real Americans". That's such a crock of bull I almost can't believe they say it. Which "real Americans" have you seen picketing the produce fields of the central valley lately, demanding the opportunity to perform that back-breaking labor? That's right - none. Have you seen lines of demonstrators around your local fast food restaurants recently, demanding jobs as food preparers? I didn't think so. Do you suppose the auto workers General Motors will be laying off soon will be trekking out here to grab one of those jobs? Not likely. The reality is that we must have immigrant labor in this country, so we'd better find a workable solution. A guest worker program could work - it did back in the 1950s as the bracero program. We need to demand that our elected leaders in Washington, D.C. find a solution - now!
As you know, I've encourage you to share your thoughts if so moved. From time to time I get interesting correspondence from readers, usually expressing support, but sometimes angry with a position I've taken. I've shared some of those comments with you in the past. Well, on December 28th I received a very "interesting" comment from a person I do not know. This writer may, in fact, be a fictitious character for all I know. The following is the message in it's entirety:
"Hey guy,
The job center isn't all that great when you dig in deep.
What you don't mention in your article about the job center is that 98% of these workers aren't even legal citizens. They also "do not pay taxes" yet the job center is funded by the tax payers. Just get some facts and be a bit more balanced. What I mean is your only looking at this issue as how it affects you, not the residents and the impact on work competitions for legal mexican labor.
The thing that sucks is you don't even live on the westside. Hopefully some of these illegals will disperse into your neighborhood so you can feel the impact westsiders deal with daily. High crime "rapes", falling house prices and trash everywhere.
Laguna Beach is big into slavory labor centers. "
Of course, I was confused by this one. I wrote back to the writer - and have received no reply yet - asking if the writer was aware that the Job Center was closing in a couple days. Curious timing, isn't it? I also asked about the numbers quoted - the "98%" number was especially interesting. I wonder where the writer pulled that one from? I was also curious about how this writer knew that folks using the job center don't pay taxes. Seems to me that the only persons with that knowledge would be the worker and the employer. I was also interested in the "falling house prices" comment, since there is no area in Orange County, much less Costa Mesa, where house prices are doing anything except rising as though hooked to a sky rocket.
I guess the occasional fringe kook will drop me a little note - that goes with the turf. Messages like the one above are more than offset by those of you who take the time to write well-reasoned positions, pro and con. Thank you for those.
So, as we march off into 2006, I encourage you to become engaged in things that will affect each of you. Pick up the telephone and call your representatives. Send an email to your City Council, letting them know how you feel. Become educated about issues in the city and encourage your friends and neighbors to do the same. If you don't, you abdicate the control and future of your city to those willing to take the time - like Your Neighbor, for example. The results are that the clock will be turned back to dark times as sinister forces control your city. We all deserve more than that, but won't get it by sitting passively along the sidelines. You have to get into the game.
12:17 pm pst
First, let me encourage you to slide over to the left and click on my "Just Wondering..." link. You will find a new batch of questions to ponder this first month of 2006. I will probably leave that page intact for the month of January for your contemplation.
The battle of blather continues between your humble correspondent and a local activist who resembles my theoretical character, Your Neighbor. In his "little newsletter" this activist continues to attempt to refute comments found throughout this blog - unsuccessfully. His most recent smoke screen was a letter published in The Current, the weekly supplement of the Orange County Register that is distributed in Costa Mesa and Newport Beach. The poor man has the word "denial" confused with truth. As I've said before, denial is not truth - it is only denial. I suppose he and I will continue to joust into this new year.
Every time I write about Your Neighbor I feel like I need a shower, so let me squirt a little air freshener after those comments and set the record straight on one issue that keeps popping up. There are those who have accused me of being pro-illegal immigration. That, of course, is not true. I feel strongly that our porous borders need to be secured for many reasons. This is especially essential with the probability of terrorist infiltration. Protection of our borders and our national security is the responsibility of the federal government. I'm offended when ambitious young local politicians try to use this issue for personal political gain. However, facts are facts. Analysts of this issue who are far smarter than I am have said repeatedly that our economy would halt if immigrant labor - legal and illegal - were to disappear. Just look around you and think about it just a little bit and you'll likely agree.
Some folks spout borderline racist rhetoric, accusing "illegals" from stealing jobs from "real Americans". That's such a crock of bull I almost can't believe they say it. Which "real Americans" have you seen picketing the produce fields of the central valley lately, demanding the opportunity to perform that back-breaking labor? That's right - none. Have you seen lines of demonstrators around your local fast food restaurants recently, demanding jobs as food preparers? I didn't think so. Do you suppose the auto workers General Motors will be laying off soon will be trekking out here to grab one of those jobs? Not likely. The reality is that we must have immigrant labor in this country, so we'd better find a workable solution. A guest worker program could work - it did back in the 1950s as the bracero program. We need to demand that our elected leaders in Washington, D.C. find a solution - now!
As you know, I've encourage you to share your thoughts if so moved. From time to time I get interesting correspondence from readers, usually expressing support, but sometimes angry with a position I've taken. I've shared some of those comments with you in the past. Well, on December 28th I received a very "interesting" comment from a person I do not know. This writer may, in fact, be a fictitious character for all I know. The following is the message in it's entirety:
"Hey guy,
The job center isn't all that great when you dig in deep.
What you don't mention in your article about the job center is that 98% of these workers aren't even legal citizens. They also "do not pay taxes" yet the job center is funded by the tax payers. Just get some facts and be a bit more balanced. What I mean is your only looking at this issue as how it affects you, not the residents and the impact on work competitions for legal mexican labor.
The thing that sucks is you don't even live on the westside. Hopefully some of these illegals will disperse into your neighborhood so you can feel the impact westsiders deal with daily. High crime "rapes", falling house prices and trash everywhere.
Laguna Beach is big into slavory labor centers. "
Of course, I was confused by this one. I wrote back to the writer - and have received no reply yet - asking if the writer was aware that the Job Center was closing in a couple days. Curious timing, isn't it? I also asked about the numbers quoted - the "98%" number was especially interesting. I wonder where the writer pulled that one from? I was also curious about how this writer knew that folks using the job center don't pay taxes. Seems to me that the only persons with that knowledge would be the worker and the employer. I was also interested in the "falling house prices" comment, since there is no area in Orange County, much less Costa Mesa, where house prices are doing anything except rising as though hooked to a sky rocket.
I guess the occasional fringe kook will drop me a little note - that goes with the turf. Messages like the one above are more than offset by those of you who take the time to write well-reasoned positions, pro and con. Thank you for those.
So, as we march off into 2006, I encourage you to become engaged in things that will affect each of you. Pick up the telephone and call your representatives. Send an email to your City Council, letting them know how you feel. Become educated about issues in the city and encourage your friends and neighbors to do the same. If you don't, you abdicate the control and future of your city to those willing to take the time - like Your Neighbor, for example. The results are that the clock will be turned back to dark times as sinister forces control your city. We all deserve more than that, but won't get it by sitting passively along the sidelines. You have to get into the game.
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