Saturday, 21 December 2019

Daily Pilot Plug - 7/21/2005

Thursday, July 21, 2005
Daily Pilot Plug
Thanks to the Daily Pilot today for their plug for this blog. The following note appeared below the "Politics and Government" banner in the "Political Landscape" column:

"West's taking it to the Web

When you're politically minded and writing to the local newspaper is not enough, you can always start your own blog. Geoff West, a Costa Mesa resident and frequent Daily Pilot contributor, announced last week that he's taken the electronic plunge and created A Bubbling Cauldron, a web log about Costa Mesa and Newport Beach politics.

West also reserves the right, according to the site, to "launch off into some philosophical rant" -- which may well be considered a blogger's inalienable right. Readers will learn he began the blog partly to free himself from the shackles of the print media's editing process.

"I realize this is a dangerous move, because editors do perform a valuable service. This will become very apparent as you read my thoughts -- typos, punctuation errors, malaprops and all. I fully intend to blame such transgressions on my advancing years -- I'm told that we old fellas can get away with it," West writes.

We should all be so lucky.

West's blog can be found at http://home.earthlink .net/~ thepotstirer."


On related note, I've made it a little easier for you to tell friends about this blog. Just refer them to - that's a lot easier than the actual URL.
10:51 am pdt

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