Saturday, 21 December 2019

Cloning Around In Costa Mesa - 8/7/2005

Sunday, August 7, 2005
Cloning Around In Costa Mesa
I've been reading and watching the news coverage of the South Korean scientist who apparently cloned an Afghan hound recently. Some of that coverage has included a photograph of the donor and it's "offspring", if that's what you call something created by scraping a few cells from the donor's ear then soaking them in some kind of magic potion in a test tube. Granted, there is a heck of a resemblance between the two. Amazing!

Most of the articles went on to talk about Dolly, the sheep that was cloned some time ago and then further speculated about when human cloning might occur.

Well, in case you hadn't noticed, it's already happened right here in Costa Mesa. Yes, sir - all you have to do is look at our lame duck Mayor Pro Tem, Gary Monahan, and then at his shadow, Planning Commission Chairman Bill Perkins and you'll understand what I mean. Since Monahan has taken young Perkins under his wing the two seem to be morphing into one entity.

Word has it now that Perkins is launching himself into a career as restaurant owner - just like his mentor. He's apparently teaming up with a fellow who has presented more than one project to the Planning Commission on which Perkins has served. His current project - the one in which Perkins is identified as a partner - is scheduled to be addressed by the commission on August 8th. Don't you find that interesting? I sure do. A skeptical person might be curious about that situation, don't you think?

It will be especially interesting to see if the remaining four members of the commission - without Perkins, because he must excuse himself from the deliberations - will follow staff's recommendations and deny part of the concessions being requested. If they do, will the applicant appeal it to the City Council and will the council - with Monahan voting - overturn the appeal? Should be interesting.
7:20 pm pdt

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