Saturday, 21 December 2019

Welcome To The A Bubbling Cauldron Storage Closet

As some know, I began posting entries in A Bubbling Cauldron in July, 2005 using a "bare bones" blog tool by Earthlink.  Eighteen months later I migrated this activity to the current host - a Google tool called Blogger.  There are more than 3200 entries on that site.

I kept the "Old" A Bubbling Cauldron site open for reference, but have recently been notified by Earthlink that, in the first quarter of 2020, my site will be shut down and will no longer be available. - poof!  That, of course, was disappointing and it forced me to create this site, which will act as a repository of all those old entries.  So, that creaking sound you heard was the hinges on the door this seldom-used storage unit.  It is my intent to keep this open forever, just in case you want to refer to something I wrote between July, 2005 and the end of October, 2006.  Each entry will have it's own URL, so you can link to it individually if you choose.  Keep in mind that these are OLD entries.  Also, comments are disabled on this site.  There's no sense to dredge up old stuff.  If you REALLY need to contact me you can reach me at this address.

On that old blog entry I posted a short essay about me. I will post it as the second entry here.

As a sidebar to the old blog format I was able to post links to unrelated things.  One of them was an essay making some presumptions about a possible earthquake on the Newport-Inglewood Fault.  I posted it shortly after Hurricane Katrina, when everyone was aware of natural disasters.  Some of the things I presumed turned out to not be the case, but you can read it for whatever it's worth to you.  That will be the third entry.

As I type this I am about to begin this laborious task at the peak of the holiday season, so this blog probably won't see the light of day until the new year.  If you've stumbled upon it before I get it finished, please be patient.  I will announce it on my new blog and on my Facebook page when it's ready for you.

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