Saturday, 21 December 2019

Extremists At The Helm? - 4/1/2006

Saturday, April 1, 2006
Extremists At The Helm?
Today I received a copy of an article from the Southern Poverty Law Center's INTELLIGENCE REPORT entitled, "Extremists advocate murder of immigrants, politicians" with a sub-title, "National pro-immigrant marches inspire calls for carnage from radical right". Do I have your attention yet?

In this article, published March 30, 2006, the authors chronicle radio comments, internet posts and newspaper quotes which give a very disturbing picture of just how angry some folks on the radical right are about the current state of affairs in this country regarding the whole immigrant issue.

A radio host named Hal Turner, described as a neo-Nazi by the authors, is quoted as stating, "All of you who think there's a peaceful solution to these invaders are wrong. We're going to have to start killing these people."

I'm not going to try to repeat all the comments about fertilizer bombs, drive-by shooting, etc. that were discussed. If you care to read the article, the link is:

However, Jim Gilchrist, the founder of the Minuteman Project is quoted as telling a local newspaper, "I'm not going to promote insurrection, but if it happens, it will be on the conscience of the members of Congress who are doing this. I will not promote violence in resolving this, but I will not stop others who might pursue that." This is important for us to know, because Gilchrist has embraced our mayor, Allan Mansoor, as some kind of Messiah and anointed him as an honorary Minuteman. He has heaped praise on Mansoor during City Council meetings and has demonstrated with platoons of his Minuteman cohorts in this city in support of Mansoor's plan.

We already know our young jailer/mayor is tight with a local resident who is a major contributor of racist essays on far right wing web sites. That association, combined with his new-found relationship with Gilchrist, should make every single resident of this city - not just those with brown skins - very, very nervous.

Mansoor, not unexpectedly, has not replied to my letter to him - posted on this site on March 17th - in which I requested him to rescind his plan. Despite his pledge to answer every telephone call and reply to every letter, my email box remains void of any response from him.

Since Mansoor ignores the wisdom of every police chief in this county and persists with his ill-conceived plan, we can only assume he is taking direction from others with a very unsettling agenda. Is this really the direction the residents of this city wish to be taken? One can only hope that the residents of this city will see what Mansoor is trying to do to this town and speak out against him.

I find myself wondering how former leaders in this city feel about his plan. I find myself wondering how much longer they will remain mute on this subject. I understand their reluctance to speak out against the policies of a sitting mayor and his council, but they are still citizens of this country and residents of this city with a very real vested interest in the outcome. They have served this city in many ways for many years, for which I am grateful. However, I'm sure many of their former constituents want to know their opinion. I hope we hear from them soon - before it's too late and Mansoor steers this city over the brink.

In the meantime, tell me how you feel. Go to the link provided and send me an email. This is one issue in which there seems to be no middle ground. I look forward to your comments.
10:40 pm pst

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