Saturday, 21 December 2019

Campaigning From The Dais - 5/17/2006

Wednesday, May 17, 2006
Campaigning From The Dais
I returned from a brief trip out of town today and took a few minutes to review my tape of the most recent City Council meeting, conducted yesterday, Tuesday, May 16th.

One thing jumped right out at me near the beginning of the session. Our young jailer/mayor took advantage of his position to lead off the "council member comments" section with what looked like his first campaign speech of this campaign season.

He presented us with a list of his accomplishments, straight from his 2002 council campaign script. I don't know whether there is a city regulation or ordinance about campaigning from the dais - but there should be. Of course, our mayor crossing that ethical line shouldn't surprise anyone - it's his style. He and his pals just kind of make up the rules as they go along.

It will be very, very interesting to watch Mansoor and his hand-picked successor to Gary Monahan, Wendy Leece, as the campaign season gains momentum over the next couple months. Don't turn your backs on them.
9:57 pm pdt

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