Saturday, 21 December 2019

Declining civility, Scowling Cranks and Shooting Blanks - 3/13/2006

Monday, March 13, 2006
Declining Civility, Scowling Cranks and Shooting Blanks
It looks like Mayor Allan Mansoor's plan for the cross-designation of certain officers on the Costa Mesa Police Department has led to the decline of civility within our community.

It appears that we have a de facto war of demonstrators going on now. Opponents of Mansoor's plan have begun demonstrating on Friday nights in front of the pub owned by Gary Monahan - lame duck councilman and the swing vote on the council. Now we hear that Jim Gilchrist and a pack of his frothing Minutemen demonstrated in front of the Westside restaurant owned by activist Mirna Burciaga last Friday night as a counter move.

We can lay this chaos right at the feet of our young jailer/mayor. If he had used even the slightest bit of good judgment on this issue at the end of last year we might not be in this situation. Now, outside agitators on both sides are turning Costa Mesa into a battleground. While they look for more face time on camera to advance their own agendas, Costa Mesa has become the wall on which they are scrawling their mural of discontent. I, for one, wish they all would just haul their fannies back home and let Costa Mesa citizens - those of us with a vested interest in this community - sort this problem out. In the meantime, I hope the Costa Mesa Police Department will do what is necessary to ensure public safety at both locations.


On another unhappy note, just when you thought it was safe to go out and play, the activist who very much resembles my theoretical character, Your Neighbor, has re-emerged from under his rock - with a vengeance. After pouting for almost two weeks following his resignation from the 3R Committee, he's back at it, publishing his putrid web log and gloating in his vile online essays. I guess that means the brief, welcome respite we've had has come to an end and we will, once more, see his scowling face before public forums as he provides "guidance" to the easily-led members on the council over whom he exercises significant influence. What a shame to see such a formidable intellect squandered on such unsavory subjects.


Our City Council continues to shoot blanks in the border wars with Newport Beach. After relinquishing West Santa Ana Heights at their last meeting, hoping that move might grease the skids for possible annexation of a large part of the Banning Ranch - bluff-top property that actually has ocean views - it should come as no surprise when officials from Newport Beach summarily rejected that move.

With the current televised poker craze, I'm thinking it would be fun to play poker with our council - at least some of them. They don't just have a "tell" - a little signal that gives you a clue about what kind of hand they are holding - they just flat out tell you! By publicly announcing their intentions and strategy they leave our neighbors in Newport Beach no choice but to call their hand. After all, they hold all the cards - and know it.

Costa Mesa leadership, where art thou?
10:32 am pst

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