Saturday, 21 December 2019

Mansoor, Mansoor, Pants On Fire - 4/25/2006

Tuesday, April 25, 2006
Mansoor, Mansoor, Pants On Fire
On March 17th of this year I wrote a letter to our young jailer/mayor, Allan Mansoor, asking him to withdraw his plan to cross-designate certain Costa Mesa police officers as immigration screeners. My lengthy letter was also posted on this web log that day and may be viewed by going to the bottom of this page and clicking on link 2006.03.12.

As of this date - five weeks later - I have had no response from the mayor to my letter.

I write this entry today because the mayor, at the council meeting on April 18th, went to great lengths to explain how he responds to all communications from residents of this city. Obviously, that was a lie... probably one among many fabrications that he tells us to bolster his position on issues he cannot otherwise justify.

With an election facing us in the not-to-distant future, I think it's important for the voters in this city to have a clear understanding of the character of those men and women who will be asking for their votes in November. While it will not be as easy to assess some of the candidates because they lack a clear, visible track record, such is not the case with Mayor Mansoor.

Since his election in 2002 our young jailer/mayor has demonstrated time after time that he lacks the intellectual capacity, integrity and leadership skills to justify returning him to the council. He has allowed a small cadre of angry supporters to take control of the agenda in this city and manipulate the process to meet their narrow, and sometimes bigoted, viewpoints. His actions have invited radicals into our city, including Jim Gilchrist and his frothing band of Minuteman cohorts, who have embraced the mayor as a savior and made him one of their own. They deftly massaged his ego, assuring him that his plan is noble, knowing full well that they - safely back at their homes in Aliso Viejo, Ontario, Fullerton, Anaheim, Ridgecrest and Barstow - have nothing to lose. Only the residents of Costa Mesa have something to lose as the mayor's ill-advised plan leads this city down the path of intolerance.

As we move toward the elections in November there will be opportunities to size up candidates and to voice opinions about their qualifications. I hope each of you reading this blog will take the time to do so, and make informed choices in the voting booth. It's time to take back our city from the radical, bigoted few.
9:17 am pdt

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