Friday, 20 December 2019

Quaking Neighbor - 6/23/2006

Friday, June 23, 2006
Quaking Neighbor
A local activist, a fellow who resembles my theoretical character, Your Neighbor, is using his web log to alert his readers - all half dozen of them - to what he perceives to be some kind of insidious plot being hatched in Costa Mesa. Apparently this fellow - a guy with way, way too much time on his hands - was rummaging around through the city records this week and "uncovered" the fact that a new committee has been formed and he is suspicious of the founder's motives. This group, which he tells us is called "Return to Reason", is headed by people with names unfamiliar to him, but, sleuth that he is, he has uncovered a major scoop - that the mailing address is the same for long time activist Bill Turpit. Oh, such intrigue!

Now, this fellow is a skillful writer and he's using that skill to attempt to rally his "troops" to be alert to this new "threat". He's obviously rattled by the very existence of an organization called Return to Reason. Although, based on his blog entries, he has no idea what this organization has in mind, he's apparently concerned that it might be to do as the name implies - return this city to reason.

I can understand why this fellow is worried. For the past several years he's done much to try to make this city a bastion of intolerance and, sadly, has had some success. He's managed to get two members elected to the City Council who are disciples of his beliefs and, with the help of a lame duck who may also have been swayed by his views, have turned this city in a direction that can only be described as down the slippery slope of intolerance.

I, for one, hope Return to Reason is what it seems to be - an organization intent on re-focusing this city and returning it to the days when it's leadership was proud of it's diversity and inclusiveness - a time when caring people with large hearts and open wallets were not vilified as somehow misguided and evil. If they have as a goal to take back this city from the forces of intolerance, I'm willing to listen to their message and consider their candidates.

Quite honestly, I hope Your Neighbor is quaking in his boots right about now at the thought of this city, in fact, returning to reason. I imagine the specter of this city governed by those he cannot bully and influence - those who do not share his racist views - makes him more than a little nervous. I'm just fine with that. We'll find out in November whether the voters of this city want to perpetuate his views or not.
11:01 am pdt

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